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Showing posts from September, 2022

Alert AFSCME Retirees mailing

I've never been an AFSCME Member so I was quite surprised to get a letter from Minnesota AFSCME Retiree Chapter 5 . For 'only $24 a year' they'll 'protect our pension.'  Really? Where were they last year when there was an attempt to throw 911 Telecommunicators into the Correctional plan at a minimum cost of $79 million ? (with LELS support?) Even though many AFSCME members are CO's? Where were they when MNCORA was supporting Bills that would have exempted the PERA Correctional Plan and the Police and Fire retirement from MN State Taxes?    Where was AFSCME Retiree Chapter 5 when MNCORA supported a Bill to exempt Social Security from MN State income tax? MNCORA supported these bills s ee our letter And there's a nice surprise in the fine print. If you join  Minnesota AFSCME Retiree Chapter 5 they will deduct the $24 annual fee from your Pension every ye...