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Showing posts from October, 2024

PERA meeting and Planning meeting update

MNCORA attended the October 10 regular meeting and the Planning Meeting for the upcoming year. Relating to the PERA Correctional plan at the Board meeting- PERA is recommending legislation to clarify disability for Corrections Officers to reflect the change from the 1.9% - 2.2% high five modifier. In other words disability needs to be paid out at the higher rate going forward. MNCORA supports this. Planning Meeting They discussed adding a PERA Correctional Plan member to the PERA Board. This is a result of our legislation last year (which we will push again) to do so.  This was only a planning meeting. No votes were taken, that will happen at the next PERA meeting. The board did not seem in favor of this.  The legitimate point was made that there hasn't been a change to PERA's board since 1995 and the Correctional Plan didn't exist until 1999.  It was downhill from there. Some conversations about opposing the seat were- *Adding a seat would make it a 12 member board-an even


On October 10th PERA will hold their planning meeting. One of the items to be discussed is MNCORA's request for a seat on the PERA Board for a CO. Below is the letter the MNCORA Executive Board sent PERA: PERA Executive Director Doug Anderson and PERA Executive Board members,   The Minnesota Correctional Officer Retirement Association (MNCORA) understands the issue of adding a PERA Correctional Member to the PERA Executive Board is to be discussed at this upcoming planning meeting. Last session a Bill was introduced to that effect, unfortunately it did not get a hearing from the LCPR, but that Bill will be reintroduced this year. (HF4342 and SF4464) The Bill simply adds language to statute 353.03 sub 1…   “ Of the six trustees elected by the membership , one of whom must be a member of the police and fire fund  plan, one must be a member of the local government correctional service retirement plan,  …” Our plan has been in existence since 1999 and is the healthiest and best fund