Why join the Minnesota Correctional Officer Retirement Association (MNCORA)?
Other retirement plans have Associations speaking for them. The PERA General Plan and former MERF pension have the MMRA.
Dispatch 911 has APCO.
Police and Fire have their own associations.
The PERA Correctional Plan has 1,000 retirees and 3,700 working correctional officers. Considering most plan members have a beneficiary, any changes to the plan affect at least 9,400 people.
New legislation constantly springs up seeking changes in Public Employee pensions. Who is speaking for Correctional Officers? Up until now no one! MNCORA will speak on CO's behalf!
MNCORA is the voice for Correctional Plan members.
Join today and encourage others to also. Membership is open to current CO's, CO's vested but no longer in the field, retirees and their beneficiaries.
Email MNCORA@protonmail.com for a dues free application!
Members please forward this email to others!
Lets be able to tell lawmakers we represent the thousands of Minnesota CO's!