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Take note who voted yes or no on HF1234

MNCORA has been very vocal in it's opposition to HF1234 a Bill that started out as a Bill to provide treatment for Police PTSD, then morphed into a bill rewriting PERA Disability for all pensions with many possible negative consequences moving forward for the Correctional Plan.

A vote for HF 1234 was a vote weakening PERA disability benefits! 

Those who voted in the affirmative were:

AcombAgbajeAnderson, P. E.Anderson, P. H.Backer
Hansen, R.Hanson, J.HassanHemmingsen-JaegerHer
KraftLee, F.Lee, K.LieblingLillie
NadeauNelson, M.NewtonNoorNorris
NovotnyOlson, L.O'NeillPelowskiPérez-Vega

Those who voted in the negative were: (MNCORA thanks these Representatives!)

Nelson, N.Neu BrindleyNiskaO'DriscollOlson, B.


This post updated 5/16/23 to include the Senate vote reconciling SF 1959 with HF 1234.:

The roll was called, and there were yeas 40 and nays 22, as follows:

 Those who voted in the affirmative were: Abeler Carlson Champion Cwodzinski Dahms Dibble Dornink Dziedzic Fateh Frentz Gustafson Hauschild Hawj Hoffman Housley Johnson Klein Kunesh Kupec Latz Limmer Marty Mitchell Mohamed Morrison Murphy Nelson Oumou Verbeten Pappas Pha Pratt Putnam Rarick Rasmusson Rest Utke Westlin Westrom Wiklund Xiong

Pursuant to Rule 40, Senator Murphy cast the affirmative vote on behalf of the following Senators: Dibble, Dziedzic, Gustafson, Hauschild, Latz, Marty, Morrison, and Putnam. Pursuant to Rule 40, SenatorJasinski cast the affirmative vote on behalf of the following Senator: Pratt.

Those who voted in the negative were: Anderson Bahr Coleman Draheim Drazkowski Duckworth Eichorn Farnsworth Green Gruenhagen Howe Jasinski Koran Kreun Lang Lieske Lucero Mann Mathews Miller Weber Wesenberg Pursuant to Rule 40, Senator Jasinski cast the negative vote on behalf of the following Senators: Draheim and Miller. So the bill, as amended, was passed and its title was agreed to


MNCORA is sad to see this Bill has passed. We thank all of the Senators and Representatives who voted against it.

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