MNCORA is hearing that there is another Bill being drafted to yet again try to add Dispatchers to our PERA Correctional Plan.
There was an attempt last year and there was a Senate 911 Telecommunicator Pension Benefits Working Group that studied the issue and concluded NOT to recommend adding them. MNCORA's President was an advisor to that group and testified against it.
LELS and the MPPOA backed the previous effort and we hear rumors that they are behind this one too. We will let you know if that turns out to be true.
Interestingly enough and probably unbeknownst to them is that on January 1, 2025 all State and Local Corrections Officers will be recognized by the Federal Government as Public Safety Officers. How can you have two different designations in one pension for disability and taxes once that occurs?
MNCORA will fight this tooth and nail.
Jim Mortenson, Executive Director of Law Enforcement Labor Services (LELS), has been reaching out to other Unions looking for support to add 911 Dispatchers to our PERA Correctional Plan.