For decades Public Employees who worked jobs that didn't pay into Social Security, even if they had worked jobs that paid in were either unable to collect or collected at a greatly reduced rate, This law corrects that. Not all PERA Correctional Plan members paid Social Security.
When Minnesota began the PERA Correctional Plan in 1999 each group was able to vote to continue paying into Social Security or not to. This was not an individual choice, but a group vote. There are a few of the Detention Deputy groups in Minnesota that opted out. This change in law will allow them to collect for the years they paid in, providing they had paid enough quarters in.
On a side bar, those 911 dispatchers that attempted to get into our pension would have been in for a rude awakening (if they succeeded) if they were in a County that opted out. Not being in also eliminates eligibility for Social Security disability.
It's nice to see people who paid in being able to collect what's rightfully theirs.